Meditation Group

Meditation Group

„There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so.“ Shakespeare

Meditation in a small group Do you like to medtitate? Would you like to deepen your connection with spirit supported by a group? Would  you enjoy meeting like-minded people? Then join the spiritual meditation group in Rosenheim.

Reconnecting with your own inner world is part of this journey. We often loose touch with ourselves, our needs and our higher selves/souls in this fast-pasted modern world. This connection though is very important in order to be well and nurtured in the long run.  At the beginning of the meditation you may pull an oracle card. Seeing their images, colors and symbols help access your inner realms. The meditation will be partly guided, but mainly in silence. If you open yourself up to the inner power of your soul, you will invite deep experiences and amazing possibilities into your life.

Angels, Archangels, Ascended Masters and Cosmic Connections will be with us during meditation. Their invocation brings guidance, protection and healing. They also help to open our hearts more. In our time together we will also look at energetic cleansing and protection. By getting more and more sensitive it´s important to be well grounded and protected in our daily lives.

Oracle cards: The song of Gaia by Saana Kuosa.


Are you interested? Call me for a free short preliminary talk.